Every bride wants her wedding to be picture perfect - from the dress to the flowers to the food at the reception. And of course, brides want to be beautiful, both for the ceremony and for the wedding pictures. Beauty starts with good skin, so start planning ahead to ensure flawless skin on the big day.

There's no makeup that can compete with the glow of healthy skin, so now is the time to get serious about skin care. To help diminish facial wrinkles, you'll want a product that contains peptides, amino acids which stimulate the skin to synthesize its own collage, the substance that keeps your skin firm and elastic. It's proven that peptides twice a day for 30 days will have a substantial impact on your skin.

Chellá, a professional skin care line previously available exclusively at Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills, has patented an ingredient called the Chell-X Complex, which contains peptides combined with other key ingredients to stimulate your skin's natural collagen production. Studies show that the collagen peptides in Chellá's products increased the synthesis of collagen by 350 percent.

What that means to you is that your skin will look and feel years younger. The products are easy to use and designed for any skin type, and the complete product line is now available online.

Here are some additional tips to get your skin - and the rest of you -- looking gorgeous for your wedding day:

* Pay attention to nutrition - when you're stressed, it is easy to fall into the trap of either not eating or eating nothing but junk, and both options can take a toll on your skin. Make a conscious effort to eat a balanced diet. It will give you energy to tackle all those wedding details and keep your skin looking healthy.

* Look good, feel good - Physical activity is a great stress-buster, and it can help you shed those final few pounds before the wedding; a vigorous workout is also good for your pores. You don't have to work out like you're training for a marathon -- something as simple as a walk after dinner can help clear your mind and get your metabolism going.

* Take a break -- Sure, you have a million and one things to get done, but you need to take time to relax. A massage is the perfect antidote to pre-wedding stress. Since you're already pampering your skin, you won't need a facial, so why not splurge on a manicure or pedicure instead?

* Get plenty of rest -- You'll be better able to deal with any wedding complications if you aren't sleep deprived. And who wants dark circles under their eyes? The amount of sleep you need varies from person to person, but make sure you're getting enough to function at full capacity during the day.

To start your skin care regimen, order the free trial program from Chellá.

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