The Skincare Facts About Cystic Acne

Posted by ayahfikri | 2:55 AM

Cystic acne can be much more devastating and inconvenient than your average blemish. That is what Skincare-New's latest article "The Skincare Facts About Cystic Acne" is all about.

Most people experience normal bouts of acne, however, there is a fair number of Americans each year that encounter this more severe version:

Cystic acne is more complex and much less common. However, it does happen to many people and can also crop up in combination with regular acne. Cystic acne contains large cysts that form as painful bumps on the face, back, neck, and shoulders. Some experience only one cyst, while certain people develop them in large groups.

However, despite the large amount of people living with this troubling skincare issue, there is no concrete proof as to what causes it:

The cysts form from a pus consisting of dead skin cells, bacteria, and white blood cells. Sound like a gross-out fest for your face? It is! The frustrating part of cystic acne is that not only is it inconvenient and embarrassing, but no one know what exactly causes it.

It is important to seek treatment from a dermatologist right away:

Cystic acne can cause severe scarring, and so it is vital that you get professional treatment for it as soon as possible. Do not wait for cystic acne to merely "clear up", as this rarely happens. Your dermatologist will usually give you an oral medication combined with a topical treatment that will start to ease your symptoms. Unfortunately, these are still incapable of penetrating the cysts, though it will help reduce the inflammation and forming of further cysts.

According to the Skincare News Team's sources, treatment from a licensed professional as soon as possible is the best weapon against cystic acne. covers all skincare and beauty topics from head to toe. Check out these latest articles:

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